Recognizing the Adequacy of Review Quality in the Public Authority Audit of North Sumatra


  • Muhammad Irsan Nasution Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Yulisfan Yulisfan Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi



Audit, Review Quality, Waqf.


The reason for this study was to decide the ID of the viability of inside review quality in the North Sumatra government. The exploration information were gotten from polls shipped off respondents, in particular evaluators in the commonplace and locale/city provincial directorates in North Sumatra. A sum of 130 usable surveys were remembered for the different relapse information examination. This study gives significant data to inspectorates and nearby legislatures in North Sumatra to decide the viability of inward quality in the North Sumatra government. The test confronting inspectors today is to grow their review rehearses and foster guidelines to screen the tasks of business substances enough. The ongoing high turnover rate reminds review firms, which are worried about preparing and giving adequate assets to tackle the issues examiners face in the work environment. Distinguishing the viability of inward review quality can be evaluated from many variables, including task intricacy.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Irsan Nasution, & Yulisfan Yulisfan. (2023). Recognizing the Adequacy of Review Quality in the Public Authority Audit of North Sumatra. The International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Technology (ICESST), 2(2), 400–406.

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